Numero Uno offspring perform at highest level08 september 2008This year, the 8-year-old Numero Uno
offspring are literally jumping in the picture during the international
events. Spruce Meadows-Calgary
Two weeks after he won the Gold and Silver Medals during the Olympic Games
in Hong Kong, Canadian rider Eric Lamaze was placed second and third with
the 8-year-old Numero Uno x Indoctro x Grannus x Argentinus mare during
the highly-prized Spruce Meadows – Calgary event. Take off is bred by Mr.
J. Coolen from Kelpen (Netherlands). CSI-4* Chernyakhovsk (Russia)
During the show in Chernyakhovsk (Russia) Katharina Offel (Ukraine) was
placed fourth in the big 1.45 m tour, with the 8-year-old Numero Uno x
Celano x Ladalco gelding Tico. (bred by S.R.J. Berg-Broerse from Veghel,
Netherlands) Picture: Numero Uno