Varsseveld, the overall winner of the young horse competition for four years old show jumping horses was the Numero Uno daughter Ureca, ridden by Henri Stegeman. With a fifth place on Friday and first place in Sundays finals the judges rewarded Ureca for her excellent way of jumping. The total of 91.5 points was good enough for the overall win.
The offspring of Numero Uno were in top form again last week. Nero Z
(ds.Lupicor, bred by Stal Meulendijks in Nuenen) claimed victory in the
1.45m two-phase class at CSI2* Vejer de la Frontera with Mans Thijssen.
Eduardo Alvarez Aznar added another strong result to the record of the
French-bred D’Orient Batilly. With this gelding, sired by Numero Uno and
bred by Jean-Claude Viollet (ds.Quaprice Bois Margot), the Spanish rider
secured second place in the 1.50m Grand Prix at CSI3* Valencia.